Personal Computer News

Syntax Errors

Published in Personal Computer News #044

Commodore Costings

BC Basic, the extended Basic for the Commodore 64, costs £19.95 (cassette) and £22.95 (disk), not £15 as stated in our review in Issue 41. The product will be available on cartridge by mid-January. To retail at £45 it will include even more features including procedures, function key definitions and sprite handling. Contact Kuma Computers on (07357) 4335 for more details.

Off-Colour BBC

Higher resolution for BBC 8 Colours in Microwaves, Issue 42 had a problem in that it wasn't. The program listing should have been:

  10 MODE 0
  30 FOR I%=0 TO 7
  40 VDU 19,0,I%;0;
  50 NEXT
  60 *FX19

Lynx Screen Inks Green, on the same page, was also off-colour.

The fourth paragraph should have begun:

Then add OUT082,20:I$=GET$ and RUN

Commodore Check

Vizawrite (Issue 40) on the Commodore 64 doesn't work properly with the Commodore 1526 printer so if you're thinking about buying the package, check first that it will drive your printer. Viza Software is at 9 Mansion Row, Brompton, Gillingham, Kent ME7 5SE.

Newbrain Puzzler

Printing problems meant that a correction to the Newbrain word processor series published in Issue 42 was incorrect.

The second line of text on page 27 of Issue 39 should read:

Sp$(2)="HXYZ[\]^'a0B5C". Note that there should be no space after the square brackets.