Games Computing

Stuart Henry's Pop Quiz

Publisher: Bellflower
Machine: Spectrum 48K

Published in Games Computing #12

Stuart Henry's Pop Quiz (Bellflower)

This Pop Quiz, produced with the backing of Radio Luxembourg's DJ Stuart Henry presents fine compilation of questions selected from over 750 questions in its memory on present and past pop.

It can be played with two players or by yourself. The game is different from most quiz programs as it has a tune at the start of each round of about six notes. You have to remember how the tune goes because if you answer a pop question correctly then you will be asked to enter one of the notes in the tune.

The questions vary from the Beatles to Eurovision Song Contests to Duran Duran, it also tests your knowledge (and spelling) very well. The annoying thing is that the answer has to be exactly correct. For instance, for one question I knew the answer was Shaking Stevens. I entered the answer but was told I was wrong. It said that the answer was "Shakin' Stevens"! I had put a 'g' instead of an apostrophe.

Ten points are awarded for each question answered correctly and ten points bonus for getting a note correct. Ten points are taken away for an incorrect answer or note. When your bonus reaches zero then the game ends. When a note is finished a longer tune is given and the game continues.

This is a good quiz for a pop music lover and at the same time helping the Stuart Henry Sclerosis Society which receives a donation for every copy bought.