The title page depicts a tank and for some unknown reason plays the theme from Mash. From then on, you are inside the tank looking out along the gun barrels, scouring the horizon by scrolling the screen at will. Although the Ballistic trajectory of your fire is not as convincing as Beach Head or 3D Tanx, the same laws apply; effectively, you control the height at which your shells explode, via markers, as well as the direction.
In the first wave scouting helicopters have to downed as they chatter across the mountainous landscape. These are merely paving the way for a bomber raid on your base; engage those foes on screen two. Assuming their bombs haven't nullified your defensive capacity, you get to take on enemy vehicles in the final stage, as they swarm through your HQ: scroll, search and destroy.
The difficulty levels (Six factors to set) may be finely tuned to taste. Graphics and sound are ok but not on the same peak as Beach Head.