Being dope and being dopey are two separate things. Someone should explain the difference to the teams in Street Hoops, because as they do their thang on the fourteen urban courts in the game, they clearly have the two concepts confused.
Your players just don't get involved in the play as much as the CPU opposition's do. When you're defending the basket, your opponents are swarming the key, each one threatening to break at any second and pound
home an air dagger of a slam dunk.
But when you're on the attack, your team is reluctant to get anywhere near the basket, milling about and leaving you with the sole responsibility of getting in there and scoring. At times, they just stand around, possibly fantasising about a sponsorship deal.
It's frustrating when your crew are so apathetic. Fluid, satisfying action doesn't happen as often as it should, despite your best efforts. Players having dazzling ball skills is all well and good, but when they connect together in such a patchy manner, the end result is a letdown. Schizophrenic use is made of the controller. Being able to pass with the Right thumbstick is an inspired idea - just point with it, and pass. Certain moves, however, require use of the White button and the Back button, and reaching for those two just isn't practical when you're in the thick of the action.
In fact, you'll probably have the most fun fiddling with the between-match options available in Career mode. With your earned cash, you can invest in a tattoo (think hard: in-game laser removal treatment costs a fortune), or kit your team out in ghetto fabulous neck ice and gold chains, just so your opposition knows how loaded your boys (or girls) are. Pay a visit to the hairdresser, too. Cornrows come highly
But outside of these cosmetic distractions, the game proper is underwhelming. Sure, a flamboyant Tea Bag move is always satisfying, replay and victory pose included. But setting moves up just isn't slick or as fun as it should be.
Street Hoops is definitely the most streetwise game on Xbox so far, but it only has a little substance to back up all that bling-bling.