Future Publishing

Steve McQueen: Westphaser

Publisher: Loriciel
Machine: Amiga 500/1000/2000/2500/3000

Published in Ace #055: April 1992

Steve McQueen: Westphaser

You what?! Talk about a cynical licence! Not only is the poor chap dead and unable to defend himself against this sort of thing, but this game actually bears no relevance to the great man at all! Okay, so he was in a few cowboy films, and this is a cowboy game, but there the similarity ends. Don't expect to see any of Steve in the game - his involvement begins and ends with a tacky black and white picture on the box.

It gets weirder still. Because it has the word Westphaser in the title, you'd assume it's compatible with the Westphaser light gun. But oh, no. It's conventional mouse, keyboard or joystick control only. Just what on Earth is going on here?

Alright, so it's all very dodgy so far, but what of the game itself? Well, unfortunately things don't get much better here either, as what's on offer is a bog-standard Operation Wolf-style shootout set in a variety of typically Wild West scenarios. That might sound like at least a bit of a laugh, but the action is so stunted and dull that it's difficult to get even vaguely excited.

To be fair, the graphics are quite nice in a funny French sort of way and there are some jolly touches (you can shoot the dresses off the women, for example!), but it's hardly enough to justify financial outlay. Is that Steve himself I hear spinning in his grave?