Future Publishing

Star Sabre

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Psytronik
Machine: Amstrad CPC464

Published in Amstrad Action 118

Star Sabre

Wow, a shoot-'em-up. I remember that old classic genre moulder R-Type. But can you really re-create the past?

A side scrolling shoot-'em-up in the same mould as those classic games of yesteryear. Your ship flies across the screen as oncoming waves of enemy ships attack you. Shoot them down or be destroyed.

Upgrades are available with the likes of three-way firing. Controls with joystick or keyboard.

Star Sabre

Graphics are adequate enough with decent sound, but the gameplay is very R-Type and doesn't seem to improve on that twenty-odd year old gameplay. One major gripe against the game is the narrow playing area. Also dark playing background against a black screen doesn't help.

Second Opinion

I'm not a great fan of side scrolling shoot-'em-ups. I think they've had their day. That's not to say that this game is a total disaster. The graphics are good and there's some decent gameplay to be had here. You just might enjoy the game more if this genre is your bag.

First Day Target Score

Complete level one.


A good old fashioned shooter. That's the problem!

Other Reviews Of Star Sabre For The Amstrad CPC464

Star Sabre (Amstrad CPC)
A review by James Monkman (RGCD)