Future Publishing

Spongebob Squarepants: Movin' With Friends

Publisher: THQ
Machine: PlayStation 2 (EU Version)

Published in Official UK PlayStation 2 Magazine #55

Is he waving or drowning? We're really not sure...

SpongeBob SquarePants: Movin' With Friends

Rising from the depths of the ocean, SpongeBob SquarePants surfaces among a shoal of numerous otherEyeToy titles. As it comes up from the depths though, the dark shape starts to become clearer. But rather than presenting itself as a shark devouring the competition wthout mercy, this is more of a lively mackerel swimming happily, but blindly, into a fishing net.

Featuring a variety of Nickelodeon characters (including Fairly Odd Parents, Jimmy Neutron and new guy on the block, Danny Phantom) Movin' With Friends boasts thirteen EyeToy games involving, among other things, driving boats, steering bowling balls and slapping jellyfish. Al the cast are well reproduced and you get plenty of Nickelodeon TV show footage and voice-overs.

From the pretty dull selection of challenges, Hanging Out is our favourite. It's a rarity for EyeToy to spawn a genteel experience, but guiding a handglider through checkpoints can be relaxing and is a nice counter point to the frantic flapping that the other tasks demand.

SpongeBob's EyeToy debut is not a bad outing for an invertebrate household-cleaning implement, but there's a definite lack of backbone to what's on offer. All the games work well and provide a decent amount of fun, but if you own any of the other EyeToy titles, there's not enough variation here to warrant staying in for longer than a quick dip.


Graphics 70%
Good likeness and TV footage.

Sound 60%
Humorous encouragement from the cast.

Gameplay 60%
Fun, if completely unoriginal.

Lifespan 50%
A few days' flailing and not much more.

Overall 60%
The usual EyeToy games dressed up in different pants. Not really a bad collection, but no real stand-out titles, either.