Commodore User

Space Swarm

Categories: Review: Software
Publisher: Software Projects
Machine: Commodore Vic 20

Published in Commodore User #13

Space Swarm

This is a pale shadow of Arcadia; although at least the playing area is wider and the top five scores are retained. The vertically expanded screen displays the countdown which must be survived by your largish green spaceship before the next wave is summoned up.

The first three opponents are alien craft with a tendency to drop bombs and do present a challenge but the so-called fireballs in wave four are non-evident. Not so the meteors on the fifth frame, as they race in at all angles, calling for constant evasive action. After that it's round again but with your opponents having undergone a popular explosion. Unlike Arcadia you cannot move vertically; also your rocket slows down towards the end of each phase thereby increasing the likelihood of a collision.

Again compared to big A the alien forms are full (sorry chaps). More carping; is the insert supposed to illustrate the game (remotely) and who conjured up the sonics? In isolation not bad but Space Swarm really does suffer by comparison to an established bestseller.

Other Reviews Of Space Swarm For The Commodore Vic 20

Space Swarm (Software Projects)
A review