Subtitled Pirates of Pestulon, Space Quest III sees the return of good ol' Roger Wilco, the man who brought the janitor into the space age. After facing the Sariens in the original and foiling the deadly Insurance Salesman scheme in part two, Roger is out to rescue "The Two Guys From Andromeda" (alias the game's authors, seen in cameo parts later in the game), kidnapped by the selfsame pesky Pirates.
Space Quest III follows the now classic Sierra humorous adventure style. The introductory sequence is outstanding, with Sierra's improved graphic system shining through to give even smoother animation and extra detail. Treatment of shadows, changing perspective and facial expressions is highly effective.
One criticism of the earlier Sierra releases was the difficulty in recognising many of the objects - objects which needed to be manipulated to solve puzzles. Improved graphics help matters considerably here. Sound too is greatly improved.
The game is rather easier to complete than the other Quests, puzzles never proving more than moderately difficult. The numbers of objects are low, so red herrings don't confuse matters too much.
While the parser has been improved, most inputs are still formed by verb/noun combinations. It can be frustrating looking for the right two-word combination.
Arcade-type sequences have always featured in Sierra's games, and Space Quest III is no exception. The best has you in charge of your cyberwarrior's fight against the foe. The action needs strategic input too, far more so than the usual reflex action efforts.
Space Quest III is a polished, humorous game with well-integrated action sequences. It's only a pity it's so short, ending just as you're getting into the swing of things. Nonetheless you'll find it a worthy addition to your adventure collection.