Atari User
1st May 1987
Categories: Review: Software
Author: Victor Laszlo
Publisher: Red Rat
Machine: Atari 400/800/600XL/800XL/130XE
Published in Atari User #25
Space Lobsters
I've seen most of the science fiction films Hollywood has churned out over the last few years. I've also spent many a happy evening absorbed in the seemingly endless re-runs of Star Trek and the weird world of the Twilight Zone.
But never have I come across Space Lobsters in any of these fantasies.
In this game Captain Crumble has to fight off these spacial crustaceans and other guardians of the Colossus spaceship to discover hidden computer codes to facilitate his escape, should he become overwhelmed.
With limited ammunition, and via the use of teleport booths, Captain Crumble (surprisingly quite a tough cookie, really) travels through the various corridor levels of the ship, exploring more than 150 screens in his quest to find the ten elusive computer codes.
Hindering his progress are the roaming Robo Droids, ancient descendants of the Rubu Druids, and famed for their problems with vowel pronunciation (and spelling) - but that's another story.
Captin Crumble has to blast his way from level to level, occasionally trading points for supplies on his way.
Clever use of split-screen graphics has produced a mixture of hi-res and character-based graphics, with good animation of Captain Crumble being the main feature of the game.
Excellent title music and good sound effects serve to confirm the view that there is still a market for reasonably-priced software, although the charts seem to indicate that true budget Atari software is now the order of the day.
But if you are looking for a good, animated "blast 'em, run away, turn around and shoot 'em again" style game, with a mild degree of tactics to boot, then Space Lobsters might just be your cup of soup.