Acorn Programs

Space Landing

Published in Acorn Programs #5

Space Landing

On arrival, at a distant planet, you must bale out of your mothership and guide your space vessel towards the moving landing craft below. Every time you achieve your difficult mission you advance to a new screen and the game becomes a little faster. If you fail and crash, you lose one of your three lives.

Move your ship left and right as it floats downwards using the < and >l; keys and press the Space bar to drop from the mothership. Docking with the landing craft earns you ten points, plus a bonus of the screen number multiplied by 10. At screen 10 and again at screen 20 you gain an extra life.

Steven and Mark Ozanne, who wrote Space Landing for the Electron, set a high score of 2,750 points.

Steven Ozanne & Mark Ozanne