Personal Computer News

Software News

Published in Personal Computer News #051

The new releases.

Software Preview


Commodore 64

Artic Computing (0401 43553) has brought out a new clutch of games for the C64, all priced at £6.95. Planet of Death, Inca Curse, Ship of Doom, Espionage Island and Golden Apple are all adventures translated from the Spectrum originals.


New from Artic is Monkey Business, yet another variation on the King Kong theme.


Parker Video Games is branching out with implementations of its games to run on home micros. Frogger and Q*Bert are the first two releases priced at £29.95 and £34.50. In the pipeline is Star Wars - The Arcade Game. Activision has already gone down the same road and its latest release is MegaManiac, priced at £29.95. If you are bored with zapping aliens, this game has you shooting down hamburgers, bow ties, steam irons, ice cream, sandwiches, radial tyres and a host of otheer totally improbable articles.



PCalc is a spreadsheet designed specifically to work with lap-held portables. Priced at £25, it retains data when switched off. Results can be saved on cassette or printed out. Details from Capra-Cinderstan Associates on 01-764 8899.


Analyist is a cut-down database manager from Sphinx (0628 75343) ideal for card index type applications. The price is £400.


The Merchant is an integrated stock and financial analysis system for retailers. It costs £300 from Ashfield Business Systems (0623 516584).



Silversoft (01-748 4125) has launched a version of the Gruneberg Linkword Language System (Issue 50). Using psychological and memory techniques it is a computer-assisted learning system for the teaching of foreign languages.


Datapen (0256 770488) has producd a geography program that works with a light pen. Called Britain, it costs £6.95 and teaches the location of features of the British Isles.



Simply Assemble is an assembler for the C64 and Pet versions 3.0 and 4.0. It costs £22 on disk or tape from Simple Software (0273 504879). Meanwhile, Oxford Computer Systems (0993 812700) has made its Pascal Compiler available for the Commodore 64. It comes on disk, priced at £49.95. Also just released for the C64 is Infodisk, the data processing and information retrieval system. It is available from Beaver Software (Harby 61318) at £75.

Bryan Skinner