Games Computing

Shark Treasure

Publisher: Dragon Data
Machine: Dragon 32

Published in Games Computing #3

Shark Treasure (Dragon Data)

Shark Treasure is an arcade type game in which you control divers using the joystick collecting treasure from the lost galleon (which is never seen), the Santa Maria. Each dive costs $1000 and each gold treasure bar is worth the same. Your search leaves you with $2000 and the game ends when you have no money left. Easy! But then I haven't mentioned the monster sharks between you and the treasure.

Up to a maximum of six will swim horizontally across your path and will eat you if you come within range. These monsters make the program, in very good graphics (you can even see their teeth) but I do feel the diver and the lack of background graphics (i.e. the Santa Maria) let the program down. All in all, a good game but not addictive enough to live up to a true arcade buff.