Proving that you can't keep a good idea down, the lads at Sensible Software have attempted to build on the phenomenal success of Sensible Soccer by releasing this reworked and revamped version.
Sensible Soccer presents you with a bird's eye view of the pitch, which is similar to Kick Off 2 except that more of the action is crammed on to the screen, consequently the players are quite small, the screen doesn't have to scroll very far to cover the whole pitch, and the whole game is slightly less manic than Kick Off 2. Also, creating passing manoeuvres is easy, because you can instantly see more of your team. Hardened Kick Off fans don't agree with this, of course. They say that frenetic action is what it's all about, and passing is easy because of the scanner option. Also, Sensible Soccer doesn't enable you to control your goalkeeper, whereas Kick Off 2 offers you that option. Anyway, the two schools of thought remain - Kick Off 2 appeals to the speed merchants, and Sensible appeals to more strategic players.
Although Soccer was released to critical acclaim, you might have felt that some of the features were a bit limited - the lack of yellow cards and the inordinately stupid goalkeepers being the two main bones of contention.
Sensible Software have taken the opportunity to alter the line-up of teams following recent world events. Instead of the once powerful USSR, we are now presented with a selection of small-fry teams such as Latvia and Estonia. Still, this makes winning the World Cup a bit easier for the rest of us. Also, the inclusion of the new back-pass rule is set to cause as much controversy in the computer world as it did in the Football League.
Playing the new game is an absolute dream. Gone are the days of goalkeepers who constantly drop the ball in the path of an opponent, and the regular annoyance of an ST player hacking you to pieces without so much as a ticking-off. The changes are very subtle, but they add a surprising amount to the gameplay.
If you haven't played Sensible Soccer before, then it's about time you did. If you already have the game, then Sensible Software are happy to replace your disks with the new version for a mere £4.95 - just send your original disk with your name and address back to Sensible Soccer Offer, Unit B3, Edison Road, St Ives, Huntingdon, Cambs PE17 4LF. Either way, this is a game which should be in every discerning game-player's collection.
Slick presentation, great graphics, smooth scrolling and spot-on sound effects.