In BEEBUG vol. 1 no. 9 p. 8 there was an article on machine code screen dumps for the EPSON (MX) and SEIKOSHA (GP80/10@) printers. Some members have written asking for the assembly listing of the SEIKOSHA version to help with debugging their copying errors and to learn a little more about machine code programming. To be fair to Terry Bromilow he did in fact provide a fully documented assembler version, (the magazine copy was edited and only showed a series of DATA statements holding the machine code values).
To incorporate the code into the original copy perform the following:
LOAD in the original program as given by the listing in the February issue of BEEBUG (p.9).
DELETE lines 29130 - 29420
AUTO 29130,5 and enter the lines as given below. (Performing an AUTO will save you having to type in the five-figure line numbers) .
SAVE this new copy of the program on a different tape or as a different file on disc.
If you change the argument of OPT in line 29205 to A% (as suggested by the corresponding REM statement), and take out the call to the dump procedure in line 29980, you can obtain a listing of the assembled machine code without performing an actual 'dump' by doing a dummy RUN.
This month's magazine cassette will contain a complete copy of the program.