Future Publishing

Secret Weapons Of The Luftwaffe

Publisher: Lucasfilm
Machine: PC (MS-DOS)

Published in Ace #055: April 1992

Secret Weapons Of The Luftwaffe

Deep, deep, deep, Secret Weapons Of The Luftwaffe is a big old game and no mistake. It's also the sequel to the critically acclaimed Their Finest Hour. The title comes packed with new goodies but brings the same problem of the first game; i.e. the flickery and rather horrible bitmap graphics.

The player is offered the chance to pilot aircraft in a seemingly limitless number of historical missions, shadowing or guarding planes and taking place in actual battles and scenarios of the Second World War.

However, played in a Wing Commander style with bitmaps taking the place of the polygons so frequently and successfully used in other flight sims, Luftwaffe will have all but the owners of the fastest machines hammering down the detail level in the attempt to get it to run at an acceptable rate.

Ambitious players can then define their own missions to determine what history would have turned out like if there was just one less Messerchmitt BF109G in a particular combat situation. Luftwaffe is exactly the sort of game - as distinct from Wing Commander - that you actually want to make excuses for. And that's simply down to the fact that under the try-too-hard graphics which actually look pretty absurd every now and again, there is a quite brilliant game.