Amiga Power

Scorched Tanks

Publisher: PD Soft
Machine: Amiga 500

Published in Amiga Power #41

Scorched Tanks

Guest reviewer - Dr DJ Wickeeeed of DJ magazine: Yo! This funkily grooving 10-120 spm (shots per minute) blasterama, a remixed, revamped and rejuvenated 12-inch hardcore version of the classic Tanks, provides extra killingly hip weapons and seriously burnin' effects but the overall effect barely improves on the original's bumpingly grinding playability.

The rhythm and melody remain essentially untouched - up to four awesomely smokin' tanks take it in turns to fire heavy ammo at each other, having to decide the angle of the gun turret, the force of the blast and what sort of missile to use when they shee-out.

Does remix improve groove? No way, San Tropez. Changes minimal - up to four tanks instead of just two about the best. While non-detracting from the primeval playability of the shatteringly shootworthy original, the new stuff just ain't worth a wink. Pointlessly needless exercisingly expendable.

Roughly translated, the game itself is still pretty decent, but what's the point in another version which adds so little to the genre?