Personal Computer News

Upgrade Ideas For The Amstrad

Categories: Letter

Author: D. Parker
Published in Personal Computer News #075

Upgrade Ideas for the Amstrad

Q. I have just bought an Amstrad CPC464 and hope you can help me with a few questions. Will it be possible to upgrade the memory, and will it be possible to use the Amstrad with a modem?

I have heard that when the disk drives are released the Amstrad will be using CP/M version 2.2 - is this correct, and how much free RAM will this leave?

D. Parker, Edinburgh, Scotland

A. You won't be able to expand the RAM from 64K, but you can expand the ROM using the expansion port. As the Amstrad has no RS232 port, you'll have to look to a third party supplier for an interface if you want to use a modem. This will probably use the expansion port. The Amstrad will be using CP/M 2.2 and this will leave about 44K RAM for programs and data.

D. Parker