Personal Computer News

Strike The Wafadrive With White Lightning

Published in Personal Computer News #094

Strike The Wafadrive With White Lightning

Q. Is it possible to SAVE*, LOAD* and RUN the White Lightning package to and from the Rotronics Wafadrive unit for the Spectrum?

R. Bennett
London SE13

A. No, it's not possible to use the White Lightning package with the Wafadrive iin the way you suggest, and it's not really feasible to amend the program to make it possible (if anybody's done it we don't want to hear from them...)

There shouldn't be any problem using add-on keyboards, however, as the idea of these beasts is that they just replace the Spectrum's keyboard. On the other hand, we have encountered problems where something as inoffensive as a keyboard buffer can stop some software loading. We suspect this is because the software house has decided to check something really esoteric in the Spectrum's ROM.

So in principle, you'll probably have no problems but we can't guarantee it.

R. Bennett