Personal Computer News

Software Search For Commodore 16

Categories: Letter

Author: D. Hiscoke
Published in Personal Computer News #092

Software Speech For Commodore 16

Q. Having just bought a Commodore 16, I would like to know of any software that is available, or forthcoming. Also, is there ever going to be a memory expansion or just a socket for ROM software?

D. Hiscoke
London E2

A. With the exception of Commodore's own software, we know of only two packages which will be available soon. They are Flight 015, from Craig Communications, a flight simulator which will cost £5.95. The other is a package called Psychodelia from Llamasoft's Jeff Minter, best known for his Commodore 64 games which have attracted a cult following.

There seems to be little doubt that software support for the C16 will arrive, but as with any new machine, you should allow at least a couple of months before you see very much.

The expansion slot on the C16 may be able to accommodate extra memory although there is no mention of this in any of the Commodore literature, so you shouldn't count on it.

To keep you going in the spell before the software floor arrives, you could try a couple of books. Melbourne House has The Commodore 16 Games Book, 30 programs for you to type in.

Or you could brush up your programming with The Commodore 16/Plus 4 Companion, published by Sunshine. Both cost £5.95.

D. Hiscoke