Personal Computer News

Simplifying The QL's Assembler

Published in Personal Computer News #078

Simplifying The QL's Assembler

Q. I am interested in software that will allow me to get to grips with 68006 assembly language on my QL. As yet I've been unable to track down any suppliers. Can you help?

S. Clifford
Earlsfield, London

A. We know of three QL assemblers. There are available from Computer One (0233 862616) at £29.95 and Metacompco (0272 428781) at £69.95. The official Sinclair assembler will be the one written by GST and should be available soon. GST also produces an assembler which runs under its 68K/OS, a plug-in card which replaces Sinclair's QDOS. The card costs £99.95 and the assembler retails at £39.95. KAT (4A, Lower Grosvenor Place, London SW1) sells a QL monitor for £19.95 and GST will be producing a relocatable linker in the next few months.

Rumour has it that a SID program 'Symbolic Instruction Debugger' to run under QDOS is currently under development, but by whom, for how much and when are still closely guarded secrets.

S. Clifford