Personal Computer News

RAMPack Reusable On ZX80 Or ZX81

Published in Personal Computer News #051

RAMPack Reusable On ZX80 Or ZX81

Q. I bought one of the original ZX80 computers some years ago and upgraded it to a ZX81 and fitted the ZX80 16K RAMpack. I am now about to buy a ZX81 and would like to know if my ZX80 RAMpack will work with it.

R. B. White
Flore, Northants

A. It's comforting to hear from someone who doesn't rush into buying a new untried wonder micro, and your sense of fiscal responsibility is commendable. The RAMpacks for the ZX81 and the ZX80 are interchangeable, so you should have no problems once you've taken the plunge.

R. B. White