Personal Computer News

Printers - Oric Options

Published in Personal Computer News #079

Printers - Oric Options

Q. Can you tell me if there is a low-cost printer which is suitable for the Oric? I only require it for listings and simple printouts.

The Oric printer seems too expensive.

Douglas Robertson

A. Hooking printers to your Oric is a simple process as the machine has a Centronics interface built in. For a standard dot-matrix printer try Seikosha (any serious computer store should be able to help); you could also look at some of the four-pen printer/plotters on the market for under £100. Cheapest of the lot, and more than adequate for listings, is, the range from Alphacom - from as little as £70. There isn't one specifically for Oric, but there is a Centronics version. Give Alphacom a ring on 0344-885661.

Douglas Robertson