Personal Computer News

Picture Quality Improved For BBC

Published in Personal Computer News #051

Picture Quality Improved For BBC

Q. I am sixteen years of age, studying for my computer studies 'O' level. I have a BBC model B computer and an Amstrad 14" colour television.

I get a reasonable colour picture from my television but I was wondering if, by replacing the on-board UHF modulator with a modulator of superior quality with a higher bandwidth, the picture quality could be improved. If such a modification is possible, could you inform me of the approximate price of the unit and where it could be obtained?

James Dow
Broughty Ferry, Dundee

A. The answer to this is yes, but a better modulator is 50 per cent larger and would not fit inside the case without cutting some holes. An alternative would be to modify the composite video output by means of an additional capacitor, to obtain colour, and then connect your new modulator to the video output on the outside of the case (as on the Vic and Memotech machines).

The new modulator (a UM1286 costing £11.90 from Maplin is a possibility) will allow sound to be put through the television and give a video bandwidth of 8MHz and thus an improved picture.

Before starting any modification you would do well to bear in mind that colour video monitors are becoming cheaper, for instance the JVC 1302-1 costs around £180 (PCN, issue 48). A monitor should give far better resolution that any television but will usually cost you a little more.

James Dow