Personal Computer News

Oric Bug Or A Faulty Machine?

Published in Personal Computer News #053

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Oric Bug Or A Faulty Machine?

Q. I have had my Oric 1 for several months but have recently stumbled across a problem.

When playing games, the sound gradually becomes distorted after about 10-15 minutes.

Is this another bug in the Oric or do I have a faulty machine?

M. Mills, Lytham St. Annes, Lancs.

A. Almost certainly the latter. It sounds very much as it something is going wrong when your Oric warms up. It could be the sound chip, though that's unlikely as you would probably lose the sound or the machine would hang up.

More likely is that the amplification circuits are malfunctioning when hot.

If your machine is still under guarantee you should return it for repair; if not then you'll just have to see if Oric will deal with it for you at a cost.

M. Mills