Personal Computer News

Going On-Line With Interface 1

Published in Personal Computer News #105

Going On-Line With Interface 1

Q. I own a 48K Spectrum, Interface 1 and Microdrives, and would like to go 'on line', but am told that the RS232 output from Interface 1 can't be used for communication via a modem, and most other RS232 interfaces won't work with Interface 1 connected.

I own a 300 baud modem but would like to be able to upgrade to a multi-mode modem in the future. Can you recommend an RS232 interface that will work with Interface 1 and communications software to drive it.

Keith Claydon, Wickford, Essex

A. We don't know of any way to get Interface 1 going with a modem, basically because Interface 1 doesn't include a buffer, so you lose most of your data in comms. However, while Interface 1 can interfere with other peripherals, the Spectrum doesn't normally recognise its presence until you access it. You should therefore be able to use most RS232 interfaces provided you haven't accessed Interface 1 since switching on. Check this with your dealer first.

As far as specific interfaces are concerned we'd suggest you look at the Demon modem (see page 28), which will have a Spectrum interface developed for it shortly.

Keith Claydon