Personal Computer News

Colourful Adventure Writing On The Oric

Published in Personal Computer News #044

Colourful Adventure Writing On The Oric

Q. I plan to write a game on my 48K Oric but I don't know how to get different in different colours on the screen at the same time. I also want to get a program to RUN using a command in the program itself.

Ian Eden
Cannock, Staffs.

A. To get different colours on the screen in either HI- or LORES modes requires that you "send" an attribute to the screen. In LORES or TEXT, this is most easily done by PRINTing a CHR$ in the range 128 to 151 just before the item you want displayed. To have the string "PCN" in red ink on a black background, you would use PRINT CHR$(144);CHR$(129);"PCN". The first two CHR$() control the local INK and PAPER attributes for items to their right.

If you want to use this CHR$ method with PLOT, subtract 128 from the values given.

Another method is to send escape sequences before the displayed item, but this is not without its problems.


128 Black 144
129 Red 145
130 Green 146
131 Yellow 147
132 Blue 148
133 Magenta 149
134 Cyan 150
135 White 151
136 Single-height, standard characters  
137 Alternate character set  
138 Double-height characters  
139 Alternate character set  
140 Flashing characters  
141 Alternate character set, flashing  
142 Double-height, flashing characters  
143 Double-height, alternate, flashing  

To get a program to RUN itself, simply use the command in a program line (1020 in the example):

1000 PRINT "Do you want another go?"
1010 GET A$:IF A$<>"Y" AND A$<>"N" AND A$<>"n" THEN GOTO 1010

Ian Eden