Personal Computer News

BBC Micro Second Processor Query

Published in Personal Computer News #091

BBC Micro Second Processor Query

Q. I have some experience in programming in Cobol, and I am considering buying Acorn's Z80 second processor for the BBC Micro.

Could you give me an approximation of the size of memory available under the CIS Cobol compiler that is included with this processor?

A. Al-Ammar

A. With the Acorn Z80 second processor, you get 64K of RAM. The size of the program that you will be able to run will depend to a certain extent on this, since the maximum data divisions allowed is 32K.

Procedure divisions, on the other hand, are limited to 32K, but it is possible to overlay other procedures and call subprograms from disk, at the expense of slowing it down.

A Al-Ammar