Personal Computer News

A Good Book About C64 Control Interfacing

Categories: Letter

Author: Paul Connally
Published in Personal Computer News #092

A Good Book About C64 Control Interfacing

Q. I am doing an advanced technology course and for this I must submit a project covering an application dealing with electronics and computers combined. I have decided to build a control interface. Please recommend a book on interfacing for a relative beginner and not a moron. My machine is the Commodore 64.

Paul Connally
Newcastle, Co. Down

A. One of the better books on real-time interfacing and control is DIY Robotics And Sensors For The Commodore 64 by John Billingsley. Published by Sunshine Books at £6.95, it has lots of detail on analogue to digital conversion covering joysticks, stepper motors, and robots with information on both hardware and software.

Paul Connally