Games Computing


Publisher: Virgin Games
Machine: TI99/4A

Published in Games Computing #2

Robopods (Virgin Games)

This is another of those 'bash the aliens before they getcha' which seems to go down well with kids. I tried it out on a group of 10-year-olds at a local school and it went down a treat, but that may have something to do with the process involved. Some quite gruesome Robopods are going to try and take over the Earth and of course you have to do something about it - namely to deactivate them, avoiding mines as you do so. The method of doing this involves treking round the screen, visiting each Robopod in turn (they are numbered and you must de-activate them in the right sequence).

Excellent use is made of graphics manipulation and the game is actually quite educational, because in your movement round the screen you must not cross your own footsteps - unless special mats appear enabling you to do so - and this requires the player to visualise moves some way ahead as well as find the best route. Dawdle and you are lost. The instructions are adequate and on-screen. Control is effected through either keyboard or joysticks, and there are five skill levels.