Personal Computer News

Making The Most Of Your Dragon 32

Author: NC
Publisher: Interface
Machine: Dragon 32

Published in Personal Computer News #018

Making The Most Of Your Dragon 32

Following hard on the heels of "Making The Most Of..." series of books, here is yet another - same format, same rehashing of the manuals, same style of dull, dreary example programs. "Type this one in, you don't have to understand it, it shows the full potential of the machine!" - that sort of thing.

I'm not really enamoured with this type of work. Educational-style books for beginners such as this should contain an index or, at the least, a contents section with page numbers.

References to other machines are irrelevant yet still appear. However, even though the language explanation is not brilliant, it is a vast improvement on the standard documentation.

One interesting idea is the small section on how to make money out of your Dragon. "Write articles and features for magazines," it extols. Nice idea, but you'd better ring with an idea for the article first.