Personal Computer News

I Wish I Knew About The Spectrum And ZX81

Categories: Review: Book
Author: John Lettice
Publisher: Pitman Publishing
Machine: Sinclair ZX81/Spectrum 16K/48K

Published in Personal Computer News #044

This one is claimed to be "the only simple introduction" to using the Spectrum and ZX81 - always a dangerous thing to say, particularly when the copy on page 11 seems to have been laid out in the wrong order!

We all make mistakes, but Mr. Chapple's book doesn't seem to be particularly simple, especially when compared to a lot of others on the market, and while some things are explained in detail, you'll still find yourself being presented with short programs and being told what they do, but not why and how they do it.

This improves the further you get into the book, but the trouble is that the book doesn't actually go all that far.

It seems to be aimed at parents who've bought micros for their children and want them to know how to use them. So you won't find any space invaders programs - although you will find one space invader, and the penultimate chapter deals with maths, which is a nice change from the usual frivolous content of this type of book.

The amount of information the book contains doesn't really justify the price, and if the Holy Grail is really total simplicity, I'm afraid it has yet to be found.

John Lettice

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I Wish I Knew About The Spectrum And ZX81 (Pitman)
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