Personal Computer News

First Steps With Your BBC Micro, A Beginners' Guide To Simple Programming

Author: Wendie Pearson
Publisher: Fontana
Machine: BBC B/B+/Master 128

Published in Personal Computer News #062

This is basic to the extreme - including, as it does, such things as an adaptor that can take three or more plugs at once.

The book shows how to type using two fingers, followed by chapters on first steps to programming, which will be useless if you've spent a few hours' programming already.

Commands, modes, strings, variable boxes, correction of typing errors using editing keys, loops and so on are detailed and colour and sound get a mention, with tips on how to write your own games using these facilities.

This is the sort of book which ensures you can't make a mistake - it even illustrates the BBC's cassette socket so you don't try and put the cassette lead in the wrong hole!

All in all, it's a good guide for the absolute beginner, if a little slow.

Wendie Pearson