Personal Computer News

Computer Art And Animation: A User's Guide To TI99/4A Color Logo

Categories: Review: Book
Author: Piers Letcher
Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Machine: TI99/4A

Published in Personal Computer News #069

You need a pretty extensive TI99/4A system to make the best use of this book, at least memory expansion and a TI Logo cartridge, but preferably a disk system and a video recorder as well. If you've got all that, it might be an entertaining way to get to grips with Logo,

It points out that there are two approaches to computer art or graphics. There's the graphics tablet or drawing program such as MacPaint or Atari Touch tablet which is an analogue of natural art - you are still drawing, painting and colouring. The other approach is art using turtle graphics.

Since the book is based around TI's Logo (turtle graphics) cartridge, that's the method the author uses. It lets you define the routines you want to use, and lets you bring animation into the art, aided by TI's excellent video chip and sprites.

The book is written entertainingly, and develops the use of Logo well; but however competent a Logo programmer you are, it's never going to be as quick as producing visuals using MacPaint, the Koalapad or Atari's Touch Tablet. Though these deny you animation, you do start drawing straight away.

Piers Letcher