Personal Computer News

Choosing A Word Processor

Author: Richard Bulcock
Publisher: Granada
Machine: European Machines

Published in Personal Computer News #057

This book has all the signs of being poorly researched and two years in the writing. The author seems to think that the only micros acround are made by Apple, Commodore and Tandy or are CP/M machines for which Wordstar is the only word processing package available.

If you are amazed at the sheer scope of the book's survey of available technology you will truly marvel at its incredibly patronising tone.

From the start of chapter one through to the glossary at the end, the author labours through the subject stopping every second sentence to put a word in quotes and following it up with a definition that confuses rather than clarifies what he is talking about.

Whether you will be better information after reading the book is a moot point. In my experience, someone who is at the stage of thinking of buying a word processor will have already read numerous newspaper and magazine articles on the subject.

What the prospective purchase now needs are hard facts, and in this book they seem to be thin on the ground. And what there is, is hopelessly out of date.

Richard Bulcock