Personal Computer News

Chips, Computers And Robots

Author: Nickie Robinson
Publisher: Puffin
Machine: European Machines

Published in Personal Computer News #057

This book attempts to cover a lot of ground in a small space. To do this the 32 chapters present somewhat sketchy information on, among other subjects, integrated circuits, inside the computer and languages, giving only two or three pages to each. However, this approach may well be useful for the complete novice.

The second half of the book is essentially a list of practical aspects of computing, such as space exploration, chips in health and transport, desktop electronics, and so on. Chapters on robots are illustrated with large pictures that serve little purpose.

The book closes with a glossary of therms "you may come across in the world of chips, computers and robots", which, like the rest of the book, is brief and sketchy. Not quite the "invaluable guide to the great revolution of our times" it claims to be but possibly a cheap, very general, introduction to it.

Nickie Robinson