Personal Computer News

Assembler For The IBM PC And PC-XT

Categories: Review: Book
Author: CO
Publisher: Prentice-Hall International
Machine: PC (MS-DOS)

Published in Personal Computer News #069

In an effort to ease life for the reader, all programs in this book are written either in Basic or Pascal and run equally well on the IBM PC or XT.

The text assumes a thorough knowledge of all PC documentation and the machine's operation and manipulation. This might be a bit assumption as not all micro users spend so much time on their machines as the authors of books about them and it's slightly incongrous since Mr. Wortman also brackets the English meaning of any computer terms after using them.

The many programs range from control of car costs to statistical evaluation of employees. Although the typesetting could have been more standardised to make a clearer and neater book, the contents are of genuine use to the average business executive (if there is such a thing), and most of the programs are well written for use by someone will relatively little experience.