Personal Computer News

Animation, Games & Sound For The Apple II/IIe

Categories: Review: Book
Author: Richard King
Publisher: Prentice-Hall International
Machine: Apple II/II+

Published in Personal Computer News #072

The failing of this book is simple... it doesn't even begin to use the facilities mentioned in its title. In fact, a better title might have used the words 'terminals', since every example relies totally upon text. A small spaceship is <=*=>, and so on. Pretty, on a cheap Hazeltine; a waste of space on a machine which can handle block animation.

Not even a mention of the LoRes Graphics keywords PLOT, HLIN, VLIN and COLOR, let alone the HiRes analogues HPLOT, DRAW, HCOLOR and, of course, not a lot of machine code. This makes the choice of the Apple less than sensible since it is these very features which distinguish the machine, and which have been at least exploited and explained in other books, if not perhaps as lucidly as might be wished.

Unfortunately, in a section dealing with quizzes and multi-choice options in games, Mr. Fabbri displays a poor grasp of structure which leads to some very clumsy code, and which leads me to feel this is simply another desperate grab for some of the action. Not recommended at the price... too few pages with too little on them.

Richard King