Personal Computer News

40 Educational Games for the BBC Micro

Categories: Review: Book
Author: Sandra Grandison
Publisher: Granada
Machine: BBC B/B+/Master 128

Published in Personal Computer News #052

£5.95 for forty programs must be a bargain when one cassette game costs as much, and these have the added extra of mixing entertainment with education.

Some old familiars crop up - Hangman, Noughts and Crosses and so on, while maths, geography, grammar, music, weights and measures are dealt with in a light-hearted way.

This book is not for the newcomer, but for someone who knows the BBC and wants to test its capability in handling programs. Each of the forty programs follows the same forat: a brief introduction, how to play and some programming hints followed by the listing itself. However it's a pity the hints do not accompany each program, even though they are only on how to change data. In this book you have to think things out and as your programming skills increase you can change the listings to make tasks more difficult.

Sandra Grandison