I'm writing to throw down the gauntlet to all software houses - especially Amsoft, Ocean and US Gold - to produce or convert some decent games for the Amstrad CPC464. If both US Gold and Ocean can convert software from the Commodore 64 to the Spectrum surely they can convert these games to another computer which uses the Z80 processor?
At the moment, Amstrad user are being given substandard rubbish - Harrier Attack, Hunchback and Alien Break In, to name but a few. I am beginning to wonder if this excellent machine is going to be another Dragon, Oric or, dare I say the dreaded word, Camputers' Lynx.
If Amstrad users buy some of those pathetic games, there ought to be a mad rush to buy top quality programs like Pole Position, Raid Over Moscow, Zaxxon, TLL, Daley Thompson's Decathlon and Beach Head.