Personal Computer News

Text Adventures Are In The Best Of Health

Categories: Letter

Author: Cliff McKnight
Published in Personal Computer News #046

Text Adventure's In The Best Of Health

I was somewhat surprised at John Lettice's statements (Issue 44) that 'the Spectrum was in the forefront of the drive towards graphics adventures' and 'The Hobbit was revolutionary ... because it combined a text adventure with high-resolution graphics'.

As any Apple owner knows, the revolution started long before the Spectrum appeared on the micro scene.

Also, if he thinks the text adventure is dead he might like to look at the sales figures for the Zork trilogy. The game even has its own user group in America.

Cliff McKnight
Crawley Down, Sussex

But in the UK, the Spectrum is crucial in the area of graphic adventures. The point John was making was that programmers are now producing work that, although based on earlier concepts, is developing into something radically different. And I'm sure he meant no disrespect to a trusty old stager like the Apple... - Ed

Cliff McKnight