Personal Computer News

Sad Lack Of Support For Sord M5 Users

Published in Personal Computer News #075

Sad Lack of Support for Sord M5 Users

In all computer magazines and games program magazines, there are always plenty of ideas for Spectrum, Commodore and other leading micros, but very little or no mention is made of the Sord M5. I, and I suppose other M5 users, look at computer magazines and if there is nothing in them for the M5 put them back on the shelf.

With so many on sale you'd think at least one magazine would have the foresight to capture the 'fringe' micro market and build up a following - after all Spectrum and Commodore have their own 'house' magazines.

I suggest that L Rumens (issue 70) and other M5 users write to CGL as I have done, and ask for more information so we can write our own programs etc, for magazine publication. CGL could publish their own 'house' magazine, or is it a case of "you had a choice, we've got your money"?

Hugh Taylor, Dundee, Scotland

Hugh Taylor