Personal Computer News

Great Space Race Rides On Reputation

Published in Personal Computer News #094

Great Space Race Rides On Reputation

I've just bought Legend's long awaited and much publicised game, The Great Space Race. I was so astonished I fired up Tasword straight away to tell you about it. It is incredibly bad!

I feel I have been conned out of £14.95 for a £5.00 game in a flashy box.

A year on from Valhalla, which was a reasonable game at the time, one expects something really special, not 39K of code, nearly 16K of which is Basic. (The BREAK key is not even protected.)

I suppose it's my own fault for not waiting for the reviews in PCN. Anyway, Knight Lore makes anything look bad.

The manual with TGSR states that the game is incompatible with Microdrives and full size printers. This is nonsense. After BREAKing the program it can be directly saved to Microdrive, and my EP22 printer works once the appropriate channel is opened.

We deserve better than this, which I see as a cynical con riding on the reputation of Valhalla.

I suppose no-one would like to buy the game off me?

R. Pitman

R. Pitman