Personal Computer News

Don't Ignore My User Group

Published in Personal Computer News #065

Don't Ignore My User Group

We have heard it said, yet again, that there is no international organisation dedicated to Sinclair computers. We would like to point out that this is definitely not the case.

The International Sinclair User Group was formed in August 1983 following the closure of Tim Harnell's National ZX User Group. The group has grown steadily since then, and now boasts members in the UK, Eire, Holland, Germany, Spain, Malta, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Singapore and Australia.

Membership of ISUG brings a monthly newsletter entitled 'ZX PRESS' and software discounts, as well as contact with other Sinclair users around the world.

New members are always welcome, whether accomplished programmers or complete beginners.

If you would like further details drop a line (with a stamp to cover postage where possible) to me.

Vic Webber, ISUG, 189 Rosehill Road, Burnley, Lancs BB11 2QZ

Vic Webber