Personal Computer News

Criticism Noted, But No Cure For Piracy

Categories: Letter

Author: Jeff Best
Published in Personal Computer News #047

Criticism Noted, But No Cure For Piracy

Congratulations to L. Hipkin (Issue 43) for highlighting the dishonesty of accepting payment for one piece of software, over and over again. But, did the editor really write:

Problem is, while it may be impossible to eradicate, software piracy is a contributor to the cost of packages. So the consumer pays anyway?

If so, all I can say is eggs hatch from chickens.

Which came first? The software with associated high price, or the pirate? Surely, the initial high price of software contributed to the profit factor available from piracy.

The obvious solution is to reduce the cost of the original software, e.g. by paying the programmer once only.

The only problem is, are you going to tell Atari or shall I?

Yep - the quote's correct... and no apologies. Now I'm interested in how you'd eradicate piracy if software houses agreed to lower prices? - Ed

Jeff Best