Personal Computer News

Charting The Ins And Outs Of Chartpak 64

Categories: Letter

Author: Peter Calver
Published in Personal Computer News #078

Charting The Ins And Outs Of Chartpak 64

I would like to correct your correction (Syntax Errors, issue 76). The spreadsheet which links to Charpak 64 is called Busicalc (not Visacalc), and although Chartpak is an American program I am glad to say that Busicalc is a home-grown product of Supersoft.

I can also help your readers with regard to interfacing Chartpak with an Epson or similar printer. We are producing a special version of Printlink 64 (the printer driver software Supersoft sells in conjunction with a low-cost cable) which will not be overwritten by Chartpak. By the time this letter appears in print it should be available.

By the way, our new Busicalc 3 (three-dimensional, bar charts, etc) can also link with Chartpak 64. Don't, however, direct your readers to us for copies of Chartpak - we're happy for Adamsoft to handle the sales.

Peter Calver
Supersoft, Harrow, Middlesex

Peter Calver