In 'Ataris to clear' (PCN Monitor, issue 74) you stated that the Atari 600XL had "no fewer than 11 graphics modes".
Wrong - The 600XL has no fewer than 15 graphics modes, and because of its unique graphics system, several other modes are also available by simple display list changes.
And all these modes are available with what you call the 'ageing' 400 and 800 models. In fact, the 400/800 was the first true home computer you can buy at any price.
Much has been said in the past about the Atari's so-called 'poor' Basic. Why does no-one ever say anything about other systems that continue to use ancient and/or obsolete Basic terms:
How about the over-rated PROC and DEFPROC? PROC is just another way of saying GOSUB, and if you use GOSUB you don't need to waste a line with DEFPROC.
Atari's string handling is far superior to that on other machines. LEFT$, MID$ and RIGHT$ are not required in Atari Basic. You can't tell me that MID$(A$,IJ) is any easier to use than A$(I,I+J) - they both return with the same result. And how many machines can you name that can have a string 32767 characters long? The Atari does.
The Atari is a complete home computer system, equipped to handle everything a family asks of it - be it playing games, business or serious computing. Please treat it with the respect it deserves.