Atari User

Raid Over Moscow

Author: Douglas Wooller
Publisher: U. S. Gold
Machine: Atari 400/800/600XL/800XL/130XE

Published in Atari User #19

Raid Over Moscow

Like the successful Beach Head programs, Raid Over Moscow is a multi-scenario game. One of the good things about it is that the entire game sits in memory - none of that painful multi-loading needed here.

Another welcome feature is the demo. This not only lets you see parts of the game you might otherwise never get to, but also allows you to play out any of those scenes simply by taking over control during the demo.

As a squadron commander of the US defence space station, it is your task to stop a nuclear attack by knocking out Russian launch sites and then leading an assault on the Soviet Defence Centre in Moscow.

Raid over Moscow

Not exactly in the best possible taste, would you say? Best forget the blurb and just enjoy the game as an arcade shoot-'em-up. Game 1 is probably the toughest. You must fly as many vertical-takeoff fighter planes out of the station hangar as possible.

Due to the plane's semi-weightlessness and having to control three thrusters as well as open the hangar doors, this part is far from a doddle.

In game 2, you fly your craft at low level from left to right across the screen. You must shoot enemy craft and missiles and avoid being shot down yourself.

Raid over Moscow

You're among the missile silos in game 3. Here you're facing forwards and must knock out the four silos by launching rockets through their window slits.

Game 4 sets you in Moscow, hiding in a trench facing the defence centre. Armed with a rocket launcher - a silent one, to boot! - you must hit the towers of the building and the soldiers who are taking pot shots at you from behind two walls.

The final game places you inside the reactor room where you hurl disc grenades at a moving maintenance robot. (I told you to forget the silly plot!)

The graphics and sound are not particularly exciting but, with three skill levels and five different shoot-'em-up games, you certainly get a decent run for your money.

Douglas Wooller

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