Personal Computer News


Published in Personal Computer News #051


Even in the chill grip of an icy winter the ink still flows through your pens and the ideas come pouring out of wherever it is that ideas come from. Thanks to everybody who entered the last Laughline competition. The short list that we eventually assembled contained one reference to piste that couldn't be printed, a number of entries inspired by the Winter Olympics, and the winner, Jeremy Goodman of Derby, who possibly watches too much commercial television:

"Sorry, sirs, but Milk Tray's out of stock."

Loony Lapses

It look as though Prussian militarism is going through a rebirth - either that or the Guardian (February 21 1984) has come up with a misprint.

And then there's the IBM-compatible version of Lisa that appeared to be in line for an award at the RITA ceremony at Birmingham last month. This Lisa, although it must have been an one-offm won the award, against the odds. Shouldn't the IBM-memory be 1Mb?

"The computer firm's move comes as a growing number of West German companies try to end their dependence on tanks for most of their funds."

Next Week

A malfunction in PCN's scheduling system caused this week's "Next Week" trailer to appear last week.

In English this means that we looked forward to issue 52 in last week's issue (50). Hence the magazine that you have in front of you, issue 51, went unheralded. We hope that you find it up to standard even without a few words in last week's issue to serve as an appetiser.

Next week, for those of you who still haven't adjusted your sets, is PCN's first birthday issue. That makes it PCN's readers' first birthday as well - happy birthday to you.