Scenes like this must be quite common up and down the country as the indomitable British find new ways to beat the freeze and get to work. What is actually happening is that an LSI Octopus is being used to log the scores in the Junior Ski championships held in Valliore, France, but you needn't let that distract you. What we are looking for is the funniest caption or comment, and we'll award £20 when the competition closes on February 22 1984 - the winner to be announced in issue 51.
Not So Lots Of Loot
"We are pioneers in computer technology," reads a clipping. "Our total investment in R&D is one of the largest in the world and is committed to advancing computer technology for the businessman. We developed the first true 16-bit personal computer for under £2,000 and are the leaders in ergonomic design of computers."
Mr. J. Thomas of London WC1 wins £5 this week in the PCN Misprints and Gibberish contest for spotting the possibility of looking at this clipping in two ways. "£2,000 is a large R&D investment!??" he asks.
Well we've all heard about cheap foreign labour.
Next Week
Dragon Drives
Worth the wait? Judge for yourself from our cover feature
Epson Asides
More than one way to skin a cat with sideways printing
Lynx Out
Gridtrap listing for Lynx fans
A full Pro-Test of Spectravideo's MSX-style micro
Play Away
Games for the Spectrum, Commodore 64 and Vic 20
Atari Special
The pull-out Micropaedia features an exclusive Pro-Test of the Atari 800XL and offers you a chance to win a 600XL.
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